

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Photo an Hour: My Birthday

My birthday was yesterday, and even though it was Friday and I had to work I thought it would be a good day to jump on the photo an hour band wagon.

6:30 am. Wake up. Make self presentable.
6:30 am. Wake up. Make self presentable

 7:30 am. Settling in critters and going to work.
7:30 am. Settling in critters and going to work.

Bonus photo. As I stepped out the door hundreds of these guys were flying past.
Birds, lots.

8:30 am. At work and having some green tea.
8:30 am. At work.

9:30 am. It's work, I'll be there the rest of the day, but here's what I wore. My favorite sweater dress, rust colored tights and boots.
9:30 am. Ho hum, working, but I'm wearing my favorite sweater dress and rust-colored stockings, yay!

10:30 am. Still working. A co-worker brought in fruit for my birthday breakfast, there's my empty bowl.
10:30 am. Well I'm still working. Here isn't empty bowl from my birthday breakfast fruit from Gail.

11:30 am. This is a boring photo a day. Here's my cube.
11:30 am. I'll be working all day...here, in my minimalist cube.

12:30 pm. Lunch hour! It's raining out.
12:30 pm. Lunch hour! It's raining.

1:30 pm. Rare mid-day walk for Odie.
1:30 pm. Rare mid-day walk for Odie.

2:30 pm. Lunch at my desk. Salad with avocado and last of my baked ziti, finally.
2:30 pm. Lunch at my desk. Salad w avocado & last of baked ziti.

3:30 pm. Snack time. Homemade banana bread.
3:30 pm. Snack time, home made banana bread.

5:30 pm. I had to wrap up working so I missed my 4:30 pm photo. Here I am at Starbucks, waiting to meet Dave and the dj we're considering hiring for our wedding.
5:30 pm. At Starbucks waiting for wedding do.

6:30 pm. Just seated at Cafe Metro for birthday dinner. They specialize in organic and vegetarian dishes but have tasty chicken and seafood dishes too. Everyone wins!
6:30 pm. Birthday dinner.

Bonus photo. Veggiesaurus birthday dinner! Ginger soy veggies with tofu and brown rice. Dave had cornish hen.
Veggiesaurus birthday dinner!

7:30 pm. Ohana. You can draw on the table at this restaurant. This is me and Dave, who is clearly much more serious than I am, and our greyhound Odie, bunny Lillie, and Flopper who is actually a stuffed animal Dave got me for Valentine's Day a few years ago, but we give him a personality like he was a real dog.

8:30 pm. Home again having birthday cheesecake from Dave.
Birthday cake!

After this, I watched Tudors, crocheted, then went to bed! It was a long day, so taking photos failed after this. I think the next photo an hour will come on a day that doesn't start at 6:00 am! Plus an hourly alarm may be useful.


  1. Happy day after your birthday! :)
    (yay I'm the first one!)

  2. happy late birthday! it looks like it was a good one. all the food in your pictures looks so delicious.all the veggies,banana bread and cheesecake,yum!
