

Monday, November 12, 2012

Be Somebody. Grow Garlic.

Yesterday I planted garlic in my garden. I'm excited as growing garlic sounds pretty low maintenance and easy! You plant it in the fall, and let it grow all winter and spring until almost mid-summer when you can harvest it.

Be somebody. Grow garlic.

I got my garlic from my local farmer's market. Apparently store-bought garlic isn't the best choice because it has likely been treated with something to make it not sprout. I'm not sure I believe this as mine always starts growing anyway, but I was happy to buy locally, plus I got three different kinds.

Today is garlic planting day!

I planted two rows of German white, one row of Spanish roja, and one row of purple stripe. I've only actually tried the German white so far, I believe the other two are supposed to be hotter. Considering each clove is supposed to produce a new bulb, I'm going to have so much garlic!


Here's some good garlic growing links:

How to Plant Garlic in Containers from Apartment Therapy

Growing Your Own Garlic is Easy from the Daily Green

Here's a few more photos from the garden yesterday. These are my carrots going strong. It's my first time growing carrots. I planted them in August since they are a frost tolerant crop. So far, this is true. I hope they're actually "carroting" under there.


My little swiss chard plant, also a late season addition that went in when the lettuces came out. This is lovely sautéed with garlic and so good for you!


This is a really tough little pansy that appeared under my dying pepper plants in September and has been blooming ever since. This is noteworthy because I didn't have any pansies this summer anywhere on our property. We've also had at least two freezes, a hurricane, and a dusting of snow.

I have no idea how this got in my garden, but it's a fighter. Been there since September!

And here's my little indoor office garden. Before the storm I cleaned up all the pots off the deck but the spearmint, strawberry mint, fennel, and arugula weren't quite ready to go yet. So I thought I'd see if they'll grow inside.

Indoor office garden

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